Meet up tomorrow evening at Mumbai/Andheri

I will be meeting @akhileshjamdar tomorrow evening (place and time not fixed yet). If anyone else wants to join in, let us know. Another possibility is to meet at @vidyut 's place like last time.
@pradeep @truptirajeshkini @rajudv @shirish @jacksonisaac

Pirate Praveen Thu 11 Aug 2016 4:29AM
@vidyut we can plan the Virar meet up this Saturday. I will meet @akhileshjamdar in the evening around 5. Anyone wants to drop in today or Saturday please give a shout here.

Vidyut Thu 11 Aug 2016 5:37AM
Social media jockey for People's Archive of Rural India ( )
Artistic handmade soaps by me ( )
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[deactivated account] Thu 11 Aug 2016 10:02AM
Is this finalized?

Pirate Praveen Thu 11 Aug 2016 2:14PM
@pradeep yes, we go to @vidyut 's place on Saturday - talk, cook, stay and leave next day. We just met @akhileshjamdar and we'll be meeting again tomorrow - to record a podcast on diaspora, privacy etc If anyone else wants to join an talk about a different topic, you are welcome as well.

Pirate Praveen Thu 11 Aug 2016 4:02PM
We talked about how to reach out to more people, to have more local meetups possibly once a month or so combining bigger areas like pune-mumbai, whole kerala etc. We also thought of making some Indian Pirates stickers and sending to all associates (we still have some money left from election fund). Another idea was to create more 'pirate spaces' to meet up, create digital libraries of public domain data, etc

Vidyut Sat 13 Aug 2016 6:28AM
What is the scene for today?

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Aug 2016 7:10AM
@vidyut me, Sruthi and @akhileshjamdar will come there by evening.
Mangesh and @rajudv has exams. KK and Abhijith going to Pune. @pradeep has not confirmed.
We'll let you know once we leave from here.

Vidyut Sat 13 Aug 2016 7:16AM
Social media jockey for People's Archive of Rural India ( )
Artistic handmade soaps by me ( )
Social Media: Twitter ( ) Facebook ( ) Google+ ( ) Diaspora ( )
Blogs: Intellectual Anarchy ( ) || Nisarga ( ) || tech ( ) || Homeschooling ( ) || Fek Le ( )
Akhilesh Jamdar Sat 13 Aug 2016 10:48AM
I actually won't be able to make it today @praveenarimbrathod @vidyut
Vidyut · Wed 10 Aug 2016 11:26AM
I don't have a problem with you guys coming here. Two things you should know:
I have a friend (partner/lover) visiting from Delhi - this is totally not an issue. It is actually a good thing. He's here often and we were planning a meet up with him present in any case. He will fit in our gang. Besides, he cooks :p (remember Pravin, the cooking plans.... :p )
The other thing is a bit more serious. We have water issues. We get water every alternate day and we got it this morning, so I won't have an opportunity to fill water again before you guys arrive (though day after tomorrow morning we'll again have water briefly to fill). I don't have a lot of water stored. Not knowing about this visit beforehand, we haven't conserved water so far, so have used quite a bit, as routine. This should be fine if we are okay adjusting and using water sparingly, etc and we can simply buy some if we need. But if we are a large group, this could be a problem.
Baaki, the home is as usual. Come when you want, go when you want. Ideally inform me beforehand :p
Those who haven't been here before, don't worry about it. There is no need for hesitation. We'll figure it out if need be.
The only thing that worries me is the water supply.
It this be moved to Saturday night, I can buy a couple of big drums and we can be better sorted. Though frankly, water shortage is the new reality in this part of the world now.