Tue 30 Jun 2020 4:37PM

Video surveillance in classrooms

D dhan Public Seen by 42
  • Government of Kerala issued a directive against use of CCTV cameras in classrooms in 2017

    • This was questioned in Kerala high court in 2018

    • The government directive was stayed

  • In July 2019, Supreme Court refused to stay Delhi government order to install CCTV cameras in school classrooms

This thread discusses, the pros and cons of video surveillance in classrooms.
Arguments in favor of installation of cameras are

  • Safety

  • Behavior management of children

  • Make teachers accountable

Arguments against it are

  • Feeling of alienation

  • Being monitored by cameras creates an atmosphere of untrust and lack of safety

  • Invasion of privacy of teachers and students

  • The above reasons can have a negative impact on the performance of both teachers and students

  • Indoctrination of a culture of surveillance in students


Pirate Praveen Wed 1 Jul 2020 3:32PM

We can have a conference call on Saturday 4th July at 7 pm with @Vishnu Prakash He is doing PhD in education and have experience working with teachers and students.


Kannan V M Sat 4 Jul 2020 11:19AM

A pro-establishment lawmaker has suggested placing CCTV cameras inside schools to check whether or not teachers are making subversive remarks in lessons.

This is from yesterday.


Pirate Praveen Sat 4 Jul 2020 1:30PM

Meeting starting now at or Dial-in: +91 22 6241 0151 PIN: 778 233 647# via any phone


Pirate Praveen Sat 4 Jul 2020 2:18PM

We discussed this in a meeting today. We need to find more details. We need to connect with teachers unions. We need to understand policy for Anganvadi's. We need to find current status of cases. Existing child rights law (International Child Rights Convention) we need to check. We need to find out if there are unions for Asha workers. We need to know if Asha workers were consulted.


Pirate Praveen Sat 4 Jul 2020 2:36PM

@dhan , me, @vishnu Prakash and @Kannan V M attended the meeting. We decided to meet again after 2 weeks with better data on the issue.


Gokul Das B Sun 5 Jul 2020 1:58AM

@Pirate Praveen Missed the meeting. What was the discourse?

Also, it is surprising that these matters are subjects of debate these days. It would have been considered completely unacceptable a decade ago!


Pirate Praveen Sun 5 Jul 2020 12:07PM

Mostly the points already mentioned here is discussed in depth with personal experiences shared.