Thu 25 Feb 2021 2:18PM

Add to manifesto: Recognize same-sex marriages

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 44

There should not be any discrimination based on one's sexual orientation. All benefits of marriage should be available to same-sex couples as well.


Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer
Sun 7 Mar 2021 3:07PM

Disagree. Male should mary female. We can see it in other animals and birds. Same sex marriage is unnatural sex and not productive.

The opinions I made were not to defy the rights of others. I thought to disagree first and later I decide to abstain from voting. I feel that each of LGBTQ are separate and people who are by birth like trans should have rights dealt with separately from gays, lesbians or bisexual.


Kannan V M
Tue 9 Mar 2021 8:12AM

Two adult individuals should be able to marry to form a family and it should be legally recognised no matter their gender. Since there is a social stigma against it, there should be special provisions to protect their life and enough safeguards to encourage those who wish to go through same sex marriage.


Abraham Raji Thu 25 Feb 2021 3:29PM

I would like to see a small change here, the sex of a person is a biological fact but the gender of a person varies from person to person and is a spectrum. This is my current understanding.
Tagging @Akshay who is a Doctor.

I think we should phrase it in a such a manner that we acknowledge this definition and difference of sex and gender.
So I think in the end we should phrase it in such a manner that two individual regardless of their gender identification or sexual orientation must be able to consummate their relationship through marriage if they choose to do so.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 25 Feb 2021 8:34PM

Defintion: Sex is the biological distinction of an organism between male and female <>.

Definition: Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender <>

What is gender? I don't know.

But I think sex is the only thing that matters in that statement. Can you please explain where gender identity enters into the picture?


Abraham Raji Fri 26 Feb 2021 7:42AM

Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, femininity and masculinity.

Full article on Wikipedia

I felt it is important to for us to recognize the difference between sex and gender as there are many people and communities who still argue they're the same. Gender and gender identity are related.


Pirate Praveen Thu 25 Feb 2021 3:40PM

The petitions in Delhi High court talk about same sex marriage so it is the term used by people who want this. Sexual Orientation is different from gender, even though LGBTIQ+ includes both.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 25 Feb 2021 8:36PM

The statement can be changed to "Recognize same-sex marriages as legally valid" probably?


Pirate Praveen Fri 26 Feb 2021 5:45AM

Sounds good, updated


Akshay Fri 26 Feb 2021 7:50AM

Abraham, it gets really difficult very quickly. There is a model of viewing sex as a spectrum. I would agree with the point that "sex" as male/female is an outdated concept which we will stop talking about once everyone understands the fluid nature of gender and starts questioning the basis of saying "sex is a biological distinction". (It is easy to get deeper into this by asking the question "What constitutes that biological distinction? What is the purpose of such biological distinction among human beings who have grown advanced medical techniques?"). I also agree that the "sex" in "same-sex" isn't strictly talking about sex and implicitly includes gender and orientation. (For example, when a trans-female marries a bisexual cis-male is that same-sex marriage or is it not? Notice that the very idea of "gay" and "lesbian" break down when it is applied to trans/intersex individuals).

I would say to avoid such conundrums related to categorization we can either side with the terms used by people who are impacted by this policy like Praveen says, or come up with a new term like "marriage between any two individuals". I would say the former is the socially correct approach.


Ravi Dwivedi Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:41AM

Good discussion. So the conclusion is that we should use the term "same-sex marriage" as other people do that. But while publishing, please give a few lines elaboration on what that means. As I myself am getting confused. "marriage between any two individuals" seems very clear terminology if I assume marriage to be defined. How do they define marriage legally?


Pirate Praveen Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:46AM

Updated the description to "Marriage between any two individuals without any discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity should be recognized as legal. All benefits of marriage should be available to same-sex couples as well."


Pirate Praveen Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:49AM

Whatever definitions and benefits are there currently should be extended to include same-sex couples. I don't think we need to redefine it.


Akshay Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:50AM

It isn't like everything is well-defined in law or language.


Ravi Dwivedi Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:55AM

Way better. Thanks. It clarifies the meaning.


Ravi Dwivedi Fri 26 Feb 2021 8:55AM

That is a good way to put it. I agree.


Ravi Dwivedi Fri 26 Feb 2021 9:05AM

Yes, you are right. But as we see that there are many views on the terms "gender" and "sex" as you shared above, I get confused. So it is helpful to clarify what we mean by "gender" and "sex". What does court mean by these terms? I have a question on marriage: Doesn't the law identify polygamy as valid for some religions and invalid for others? <>. Also, since religion is in the question, we also need to add that we recognize "irreligion" in India as it is not already recognized by law <,rightsandlaws>.


Anusree Fri 26 Feb 2021 7:08PM

Confusion on the legal definition of this term is one thing. If we think about bringing religion too into this discussion, do we still have commonly accepted age restrictions to prevent child marriage. Each religion is having its own concessions regarding something very basic like age.


Pirate Praveen Sat 27 Feb 2021 11:28AM

I think @Ravi Dwivedi added these comments here by mistake. He has started another thread on that topic


Pirate Praveen Sat 27 Feb 2021 11:37AM

I don't think we need to cater to every possible issues, if someone comes out and say they have a problem, we can consider it. Same-sex marriage is a demand that people have and lets not mix up other things in this thread.


Pirate Praveen Wed 3 Mar 2021 6:35PM

@Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer we don't blindly follow what birds and animals do. and there is documented cases of homosexuality in animals. Also marriage is not only about sex or being productive. Heterosexual couples can also choose not to have children.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:51PM

@Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer

Same sex marriage is unnatural sex and not productive.

The question is not whether same sex marriage is unnatural or productive. I think you misread the proposal. Can you please be on the point?


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:54PM

@Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer

We can see it in other animals and birds.

I was not aware that birds and animals marry. I thought marriage is a human construct. Thanks!


Pirate Praveen Thu 4 Mar 2021 3:46PM


Ravi Dwivedi Fri 5 Mar 2021 8:30AM

Here is a wikipedia article that deals with this topic.

Marriage and sex are separate issues in law.

Homosexuality is legal in Indian law <> while same-sex marriage is not; otherwise why are we discussing this thread here?

Let's not mix the issues.

Further, whether homosexuality is natural or unnatural is off topic here. If anyone would like to discuss, then start by defining what is "natural" and "unnatural", still that would be off topic but there can be a discussion when we know what these terms mean. Some people have a view that if sex can produce babies, then it is natural and others say that if it is found in animals or algae, then it is natural. Clearly, the term "natural" has ambiguity. I won't debate with anyone on whether it is "natural" or "unnatural".

We are discussing legality of an issue and the issue is not about whether something is natural or unnatural.


Pirate Praveen Sun 7 Mar 2021 10:35AM

I just wanted to show him documented cases of homosexuality in animals, though that is not relevant to this discussion.


Pirate Praveen Thu 4 Mar 2021 3:23PM

This proposal is in an interesting state now. We will have to decide if we want to push this proposal at the risk of losing the person disagreed or step back to include the person who disagreed. We will have to try and convince them to change their position first. So we will have to talk to them and understand their motivations.


Pirate Bady Fri 5 Mar 2021 6:28AM

@Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer i'd like to ask you a question. do you support beef ban in your home state? if not, why? if you don't like beef then don't eat beef, no need to force others. similarly if you don't like to marry someone from same sex then don't, it's as simple as that.

note: i'd like to state it explicitly that i didn't mean to compare the act of marriage with eating beef, because someone can argue that the latter is about consumption while marriage isn't and i agree with that. the comparison here is about one's choices or the lack of it.


Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer Sat 6 Mar 2021 11:05AM

I don't agree to promote homosexuality by allowing same sex marriage. My strongly belief is that homosexuals are like that because circumstances lead them that way. Insead of allowing them to go that way, I would suggest to help them into getting them straight.

Also I mentioned about animals and birds in sexuality not marriage.


Eddie Ningombam Sun 7 Mar 2021 5:16AM

I think your belief is clouding your rational and better judgement. Maybe you should read the proposal all over again.


Abraham Raji Sun 7 Mar 2021 7:46AM

@Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer there were many attempts at 'getting them straight' like the infamous 'pray the gay away' movement in the west. That doesn't work. Homosexuality isn't caused by anything just as nothing caused straight people to be straight. That is simply who they are. There's no scientific evidence to prove your stand.

I'm not sure what you mean with the whole animals and birds thing. Homosexuality is something that we can see in animals. I agree that they don't have same sex marriage but then they don't have any kind of marriage, so that's that.

Anyways, they're not harming anyone by being gay so why should we stop them? Who are we to dictate what people can be and can't be when based on just our world view?


Pirate Praveen Sun 7 Mar 2021 10:32AM

So do you think your strong beliefs are enough to take away rights of other people? How do we decide whose beliefs should get priority? Do you agree to beef ban because it is against some people's beliefs?


Ravi Dwivedi Mon 8 Mar 2021 4:32AM

Also I mentioned about animals and birds in sexuality not marriage.

Why did you mention birds and animals? What purpose does it serve?


Pirate Praveen Sun 7 Mar 2021 6:21PM

Thanks @Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer for changing your position to 'Abstain' from 'Disagree', this will allow us to proceed with majority decision. It is important to keep our beliefs to our personal choices and not force other people to follow our personal beliefs.


Tanzeem Mohammad Basheer Mon 8 Mar 2021 7:39AM

@Pirate Praveen @Ravi Dwivedi please exclude me from further comments. I am not interested in this thread. I am promoting free software because I personally believe it is good. Likewise I don't promote homosexuality bcz I personally believe it is wrong. I don't want to interfere or force my beliefs to others.