Thu 24 Sep 2015 10:36AM

Any volunteers for our twitter handle?

DU [deactivated account] Public Seen by 371

Eylo Pirates!
We are now a group of some 77 members and active more than ever!

A few of us have also met in person and others had successfully attended a meetup in Mumbai recently!

We now discuss on a range of issues from caste based reservations to net neutrality/encryption issues to the death penalty and seem to be quite active on loomio!

In view of the above , how about we take this a notch further and enter the world of social media?
I had twitter in mind. We could reach a vast majority through twitter.

Twitter can be a very powerful tool and so should be used wisely. Especially when we are representing a serious group like ours.

My opinion: If we finally do decide to create a twitter handle , we would need a dedicated set of people to handle the account.

Let me suggest an idea.
Step 1) : Get some members of our group to be ready to handle our groups twitter account.

     2) Create a twitter handle.

     3) Since we are a group , one simply should not post whatever he feels is right. We , Indian Pirates , as a group should collectively agree on a post before "tweeting" it on twitter. **But this should be applied only to important topics as we cannot expect to vote on EVERY SINGLE tweet our group has to post. For example , if we are taking a stand on net neutrality or the draft encryption policy or the death penalty , we should THEN as a group agree to the post before "tweeting" whatever it is we want to—Like we do on loomio – we open a discussion , throw in our views and come to an agreement, only faster! 

Other small issues like , for example "Re-posting" a link can simply be tweeted without consult because it cannot go wrong--- for instance , the gov. withdrew the draft encryption policy , we do not need to AGREE as a group before tweeting it because it is a "fact" .

I hope you get what I mean.

4) If one person is not able to be active on twitter , share the passwords among 2-3 members.

I can simply go ahead and create a twitter handle but to be honest , I feel that I certainly am not the right person to be handling the account because of the nature of my profession. Because when Im home , I can keep the account active , but when I go sailing I will be gone for about 4 months and there would be no activity.

Consistency is something we should maintain.
I mean , if we create a twitter handle , we should not come across as a loosely knit group whose members are hardly active.

We should do it once and we should do it right.
We could do the same for Facebook too if need be.

So, do we have any volunteers?


Rahul Krishnan R A Sat 16 Apr 2016 12:36PM

@praveenarimbrathod Do we have any gmail account to create youtube channel


Pirate Praveen Sat 16 Apr 2016 12:51PM

@rahulkrishnanra I think you can use any email address to create a google account. @arjun has created indianpirates at, which we can use now. I'm trying to create account, we we have that ready, we can switch to it.


[deactivated account] Sat 16 Apr 2016 2:29PM

yeah , we can use any email address to create a google account..


Vidyut Sun 17 Apr 2016 5:09PM

Pirate Party India already has a Twitter handle - @PiratePIN I run it among some others. It is currently inactive but has 432 followers on the basis of earlier tweets on Pirate issues. It is connected to a FB page as well. Was created during the times of the original Pirate Party email groups. I suggest we activate these. I can add more people to this one or even hand it over totally if someone wants. Does not make sense to start an obscure handle all over again. Twitter is useless for publicity without reach.

I want to put on record that I had opposed contesting elections very strongly. That said, if we are contesting elections, I will support the ideas to the best I can agree with, because the image of Pirates needs all the credibility it can get in India. Toward this end, I can help with tweets. I can also do a few tweets from my own handle - @Vidyut (which has a lot more followers) though I cannot run a full campaign given that I am publicly politically neutral. So some of our best messages - I can definitely give them a boost.

I am still hopelessly busy, but feel free to ping me if there is something I can contribute to, and I will try.

I would highly recommend having a coherent strategy and core message that can be given to whoever wishes to support to take it forward. An election manifesto is a must as well - however brief it may be.


Vidyut Sun 17 Apr 2016 5:12PM

Also, it is inevitable that I will end up like an unofficial spokesperson of sorts - because I've probably been the most vocal about pirate party for India on Twitter. So if there is something I should know to reply if asked, please tell me that too, or I will just give generic replies. Local candidate, test drive, etc.


Vidyut Sun 17 Apr 2016 5:14PM

I'm not trying or claiming to BE a spokesperson, I'm saying that people will inevitably engage with me on it. And having a largish following interested in such issues, anything I say will get noticed - even if not official - and I don't want to be official. It is to our advantage that I speak, given most of my followers agree with Pirate Principles overall (given that I speak in alignment consistently).


Pirate Praveen Mon 18 Apr 2016 8:26AM

@vidyut I prefer to keep PiratePIN in sleeping mode, if/when we resurrect 'Pirate Party' label, we may use that. We can add one tweet introducing the new handle. Yes, we have to start over, because we dropped ball on Pirate Party then. Lets start working on the manifesto.


Vidyut Mon 18 Apr 2016 8:40AM

Dude, your interview sounded like you unilaterally resurrected Pirate Party. There are photos with you flying Pirate party flags and little mention as local independent candidate even if party is not formed. You have to decide whether you are constesting independently or on behalf of Pirate Party, in which case saying it is not resurrected means absolutely nothing.


Vidyut Mon 18 Apr 2016 8:49AM

It is true you have made this call unilaterally and you have a point that the @PiratePIN handle should be left dormant till it is a community decision to form a party. How would you like me to introduce the new handle? As a fork of Pirate Party? As independent candidate of Pirate Party? < - I already did this second one.


Pirate Praveen Mon 18 Apr 2016 8:51AM

@vidyut I had clearly told Kim Arora that I'm contesting as an independant candidate endorsed by Indian Pirates. Photo caption says "Supporters of Pirate Party in Berlin, Germany".

She started the article correctly without mentioning " Pirate Party".

"The Thiruvananthapuram seat in Kerala is set to see a "pirate" candidate, Goa-based techieturned-activist Praveen Ar imbrathodiyil, formally bringing the pirate movement into Indian politics.

Like other "pirate" collectives worldwide, this one too advocates direct democracy and digital rights.".

She used "pirate movement" and "pirate collective". Though at the she used " Pirate Party", possibly by mistake.

"Praveen will launch his campaign from April 23 and is looking forward to drive home the Pirate Party message."

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