How to send encrypted files using PGP?
Hi.. I just learnt how to send emails using PGP encryption. However , ive not been able to figure out how to encrypt attachments using PGP. of if you can do it at all? .. Im using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with windows 8.1 dual boot.
I reckon that we have quite a few people in our group with a good knowledge about all these. So if any of you could help me with this.. Thanks

Akhil Krishnan S Fri 13 Mar 2015 2:41AM
@arjun A lot of tutorials are available online. Just give a try and ping me if you need some help.

Trupti Rajesh Kini Fri 13 Mar 2015 4:41AM
@arjun Hope this helps
[deactivated account] Fri 13 Mar 2015 5:32PM
@akhilkrishnans -hey thank u! thanks for the info .. And I'd heard of thunderbird before but i did not want to use a mail client so i tried the "Mailvelope" add on for chromium and later downloaded gpg4usb .. However , while transferring the keys from Mailvelope to gpg4usb , had only transferred the public keys and not the private ones and thus was unable to decrypt .. So yeah , it works now!
@truptirajeshkini pidgin messenger sounds like a useful software! Will be trying that out too. Do we have pidgin for android? .. And thanks a lot!

Pirate Praveen Fri 13 Mar 2015 5:51PM
@arjun for android, you have conversations, ChatSecure and xabber. All of them support otr encryption. See its our campaign and we need to improve that site. Once you try these instructions for other people to try it would be awesome.
[deactivated account] Sat 14 Mar 2015 8:53AM
@praveenarimbrathod chatsecure doesn't work properly.. Tried that.. Shall try xabber.. Problem is its hard to convince others to keep trying out new apps.. Took me ages to convince a few to install chatsecure and then it dint work for some reason! (kitkat 4.4)..

Akshay Sat 14 Mar 2015 9:28AM
@arjun , what was not working properly? As in, what happened? It didn't start?
[deactivated account] Sat 14 Mar 2015 11:36AM
@akshay - well its simply not reliable.. it doesnt crash as such .. it works randomly .. it works on and off .. the app is simply too "moody"! .. im using android (kitkat 4.4) and my friend ios 7.1 .. worked well for 5 mins and then the messages dint go through ..
says "network offline" every now and then ..
check attachments

Pirate Praveen Sat 14 Mar 2015 3:35PM
@arjun conversations is a better app, but its 160 rupees via play store or they have to install via fdroid.
[deactivated account] Sun 15 Mar 2015 6:43PM
@praveenarimbrathod okay.. 160 isn't the problem.. Thing is - to convince people to try out anything other than Whatsapp is a task in itself.. And d idea of askin them to pay 160 for an app that does d same things as Whatsapp Doesn't go well with them.. Only people concerned with privacy issues such as you and I would want to.. need to try xabber though..
Akhil Krishnan S · Fri 13 Mar 2015 2:39AM
You need to install some Mail client such as Thunderbird since the default webclient wont support encryption. Hopes you have an idea about the Public Key Cryptography. Probably your system already loaded with some OpenPGP implementations, else go for it (GnuPG is a nice option, apt-get install gnupg) Install Enigmail addon in Thunderbird ( create your Keypair and upload your public key to some Keyserver.
This Website explains how to use Enigmail nicely:
An important thing is that your recipient has already create a Keypair and Publickey and it should known to you.