Wed 23 Dec 2015 6:18PM

Writing by the name "Indian Pirates"

FF Fayad Fami Public Seen by 267

We have already taken stand regarding net neutrality by modifying our home page. But we also think it is a good idea to use all possible mediums in spreading our views and thoughts, and have an identity in Internet.

So today we published a blog in under the username "piratesin". We think it is a good start but we need fellow pirates to share their thoughts about this idea.


Pirate Vik Wed 23 Dec 2015 9:12PM


[deactivated account] Thu 24 Dec 2015 10:00AM

AIB makes a video on FreeBasics yet again.. Opposes FreeBasics n supports net neutrality.. Kindly share


Fayad Fami Thu 24 Dec 2015 10:18AM

These guys are amazing. There is support coming in from start ups too like Paytm.


[deactivated account] Thu 24 Dec 2015 10:24AM

I know.. U won't believe.. But every 10 min they're getting 3k views.. I just refreshed the page after 10 min n it jumped to 15k from 12 k views.