Fri 10 Aug 2018 3:21AM
Pirate meetup 05-08-2018

Agenda: To discuss about,
1. Next Pirate Cycling
2. To discuss about starting a camapign about Aadhaar
3. To start a camp for Pirates to study about Dalit Issues.
- Discussed about the need of a framework for Indian Pirates. Indian pirates already had a basic structure and everyone agreed to continue with it.
- The need for a self education about Dalit issues for pirates was agreed and decided to contact those who are active in dalit issues.
- The need for Pirates to have direct interactions with issues is agreed, the suggested methods are
- Pirate Cycling and Public Talks
- Giving Training Sessions
- Volunteering to find solutions for public needs as part of this, it was decided to look at Computer and IT training needs of a village in Athirappilli. Hafis will be calling respective officials to arrange a meeting for that.
- A campaign on AADHAAR is decided, a Pirate meetup to design the structure and the contents was decided to conduct at Thrissur, further details will be updated in Loomio.
- Strategies to digitalize the marketing for forest products collected by tribal was discussed.