Sun 17 Aug 2014 7:31AM

Go off the record campaign

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 31

Let's build a campaign around otr and document otr support for every platform (all mobile and desktop platforms). Let's crowd fund to develop apps for platforms without otr since the network effect will force us to skip otr even if our friends can't have it.


Pirate Praveen Sun 17 Aug 2014 3:56PM


Pirate Praveen Mon 18 Aug 2014 8:55AM

Sugeesh has designed first poster for the campaign hoping more people coming up with sharp captions and good designs.

We'll work on the campaign website this Sunday at Mumbai Debain Day event

If you are in Mumbai or Pune or nearby, join us. Also tell any of your friends to join us.


Raju Devidas Fri 22 Aug 2014 3:00AM

I may join up at Mumbai.


Pirate Praveen Fri 22 Aug 2014 12:30PM

Thanks to Ashik ( we have registered a domain We can have a tagline like this,

"You can have private communications, Off The Record Works"

I have requested hosting space from, hoping they would accept the request. If not we'll have to find another hosting provider.


Manu Krishnan T V Sat 23 Aug 2014 6:19PM

@praveenarimbrathod My company is ready to provide hosting space in our servers running ISPConfig panel.


Pirate Praveen Sat 23 Aug 2014 7:46PM

Thanks @manukrishnantv . Please talk to Ashik and get DNS updated to your server. We'll use a git repo to manage the content. Use as the initial content. Everyone feel free to send pull requests. If you know someone with good design skills, we need some good design.


Manu Krishnan T V Tue 26 Aug 2014 5:02PM

Created the hosting account and DNS works fine now.

Tried cloning thje repo, but gets "fatal: could not create work tree dir 'otrworks'.: Permission denied" error.


Pirate Praveen Thu 28 Aug 2014 7:51PM

@manukrishnantv it is now up and running on provided hosting.

Everyone check this out this is just the beginning, feel free to send merge requests.


Pirate Praveen Tue 23 Sep 2014 10:58AM

I'm happy to announce that Digital Freedom Foundation has joined the campaign team. I will shortly update the site. Everyone please talk to like minded organizations to join the campaign.

Also Prathamesh Joshi would be redesigning the site in a few days.


Balasankar C Sun 28 Sep 2014 4:17PM

Cool.. Kudos to DFF.. @praveenarimbrathod what about site redesign?

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