Meetings with new volunteers

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 10

We should host online meetings with new volunteers (as discussed in the last meeting). This can help connect with new people and build trust and understanding. Our first meeting will be on 5th March 9 pm at (you can join using any browser, or using the Jitsi Meet app).


Pirate Praveen Sun 3 Mar 2024 3:47PM

RSVP link,

  1. You can "Export as ICS" button on this page and add it to your phone calendar to set a reminder.

  2. You can RSVP by just adding your name on that page or via mastodon: search this link, follow and reply to the poll received as DM.


Poll Created Sun 3 Mar 2024 3:53PM

Would you volunteer to organize weekly meeting of volunteers? Closed Sun 31 Mar 2024 4:00PM

What is the team, working group or event you are inviting people to?

You will need to ensure availability of at least 2 team members and schedule a meeting every week. Once scheduled, create an event on and create an opt-in poll this this thread and invite all members in this sub group.

Why is this important?

We need to meet and talk to volunteers to build trust and connections since we don't know each other well yet.

What are you asking people to do?

Coordinate and communicate online meetings. If more than one person volunteers, you can rotate it among yourselves.

Select 'Accept' to participate!


Results Option % of target Voters
Accept 0% 0  
Decline 1 S
Undecided 33 S RD M PP PB AB J B S SV F N AS

1 of 34 people have participated (2%)


Sun 3 Mar 2024 3:53PM

Things are too busy right now and I don't think I'll be able to organize this


Pirate Praveen Sun 3 Mar 2024 6:58PM

I am sending an email to all the people who filled the volunteer form but has not joined this group or XMPP group with details on how to join this meeting.


Pirate Praveen Tue 5 Mar 2024 3:15PM

This meeting is starting in 15 minutes.


Pirate Praveen Tue 12 Mar 2024 1:33PM

@Mridul welcome to the team, would you like to propose a date and time for a meeting? You can meet and discuss with other team members about your ideas and listen to ideas from others as well.


Pirate Praveen Fri 15 Mar 2024 4:37PM

@Salma @Shawndesheep @joice @George Jose suggest a good time for us to meet.


George Jose Wed 20 Mar 2024 6:39AM

@Pirate Praveen sorry for the late reply, the notification mail straight went to spam, I am free on most evenings like 6-8pm, weekends are not sure, but I can squeeze my schedule


Mridul Thu 21 Mar 2024 5:14PM

@Pirate Praveen Sorry for the late reply.

Can we meet on this weekend, Saturday or Sunday, in the evening?