Any volunteers to setup and maintain gitlab ci?
We have been running our gitlab instance at without a ci (and hence without gitlab pages support) for some time. This means we have been using for projects that need a ci, like website of fsci, prav app etc. If we setup a ci, we can have all these projects directly on our instance. Would you like to volunteer? Please comment below.
Vinay Keshava Thu 16 Feb 2023 7:58PM the packaged version is by
Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Jun 2023 2:18PM
@suman @Karthik @Vinay Keshava any updates? Are you still interested? If not we can probably close
Item removed
Vinay Keshava Thu 21 Sep 2023 6:39PM
The gitlab-runner has been setup on server with access to specific projects only,gitlab-pages couldn't be setup due to some issues.
An alternative approach to host fsci's websites using ssh
Karthik · Mon 20 Feb 2023 10:04AM
this is a nice starting point. First we can focus on CI for 1. fsci website 2.