Any volunteers to setup and maintain gitlab ci?

We have been running our gitlab instance at without a ci (and hence without gitlab pages support) for some time. This means we have been using for projects that need a ci, like website of fsci, prav app etc. If we setup a ci, we can have all these projects directly on our instance. Would you like to volunteer? Please comment below.

Pirate Praveen Thu 19 Jan 2023 10:08AM
Thanks, lets wait for next 3-4 days and then you can plan the setup. We have infomaniak cloud access, but still if we can find a dedicated sponsor for ci, that will help. Also we might need only a very small spec machine for the ci.
Karthik Thu 19 Jan 2023 6:32PM
I also want to volunteer!

Pirate Praveen Fri 20 Jan 2023 3:22PM
Thanks, we have three options, 1. Use the infomaniak cloud, though it can take away credits from gitlab hosting 2. Use an existing host like jitsi meet or videos if server load is low. 3. Find new sponsors for hosting the ci.
Vinay Keshava Sat 21 Jan 2023 12:31PM
I think has less traffic
which method are we using to install gitlab runner containers or official gitlab package repository ?

Pirate Praveen Sat 21 Jan 2023 2:01PM
Setup a meeting with others volunteered. I generally prefer packages when it is available, check if it is well maintained and decide.
Vinay Keshava Mon 23 Jan 2023 7:00PM
@suman @Karthik @Pirate Praveen please decide a date to meet
Vinay Keshava Fri 20 Jan 2023 4:41AM
I would like to volunteer
Vinay Keshava Fri 20 Jan 2023 4:45AM
Are we restricting the runner to only specific projects only ?

Pirate Praveen Fri 20 Jan 2023 3:22PM
Thanks, it depends on the resource availability, I think we can start with restricting it to specific projects only, based on a request and review.
suman · Thu 19 Jan 2023 9:49AM
Yes i would like to volunteer