Wed 1 Jun 2016 3:37AM

Statement on facebook page/presence

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 274

We should add this statement to and link facebook icon to it. This should also go to the facebook page description.

" ( is our primary communication platform (run by a worker owned cooperative, using Free Software, funded by people directly) and you should migrate to decentralized services like diaspora to enjoy:

- privacy (run by people who care about privacy instead of corporations making money out of private data)
- freedom from censorship (there is no central server to monitor and you can choose a server hosted in countries like Iceland where Free Speech laws are best in the world)
- independence from corporate control (run by privacy activists, most of them funded by the users through donations and crowd funding)
- self-reliance in communication technology and infrastructure for a country like India (we won't be depending on a single company or country for our day to day activities). 

You can join, which is run jointly by Indian Pirates and Hamara Linux or choose from one of the pods listed at is hosted in India.

We have a page on facebook so people can find us when they search for "Indian Pirates" and also we can stop imposters. We will not post any update on facebook. You should follow us on loomio or diaspora ( to get updates."

Looking for suggestions/feedback.


Pirate Bady Wed 1 Jun 2016 6:51PM

need clarification:

1) "we won't be depending on a single company or country for our day to day activities" //i doubt this point since Loomio is a foreign enterprise.

2) "We will not post any update on facebook." //i think we should. we can post updates with links to diaspora and loomio and hence use facebook itself to drive people out of it.


i believe that the choice of words is very important. imo if words like 'you', 'we', 'us', etc. are not used carefully, it can cause a sense of discrimination and hence could be avoided in most places (unless it's necessary). use of the words like 'should', 'must' can cause a feeling that we are asking people to do something forcefully, instead we can use "it's recommended to" or "one is requested to...", etc. keeping these points in mind i tried to rewrite the above Statement as follows (the first para of it can also be used as our fb page description):

"Indian Pirates maintain Facebook page mainly to drive people out of it to more decentralized services like Loomio & Diaspora. Indian Pirates use Loomio as primary communication platform (Loomio is a discussion forum with decision-making features in-built and is run by a worker owned cooperative, using Free Software, directly funded by the people) and don't encourage any discussions on Facebook page. Indian Pirates also recommend everyone to move to decentralized services like Diaspora to enjoy:

  • Privacy (Diaspora is run by people who care about privacy and unlike other corporations, never sell your private data)
  • Freedom from Censorship (At Diaspora there isn't any central server to monitor your activities. Diaspora offers you freedom to choose servers hosted in different countries, for eg. like Iceland where Free Speech laws are best in the world. One can also enjoy anonymity if needed since there are no real-name policies)
  • Independence from Corporate Control (Diaspora is run by privacy advocates and activists and most of the pods are funded by the users through donations and crowd-funding)

Anyone can join Loomio or Diaspora to connect with Indian Pirates. One can join which is a Diaspora pod hosted in India and is jointly run by Indian Pirates and Hamara Linux or choose from one of the pods listed at"