Fri 23 Jan 2015 6:53PM

Minutes of Meeting

AS Anish Sheela Public Seen by 104

Meeting has been conducted via phone and face to face on diaspora yatra at 23 Jan 2015.

Present: Anish, Sugeesh, Balasankar C, Praveen (Partial)

Things to arrange before yatra & assigned persons

  • Letter (already there) should be sent as mail to all co-ordinators - Balasankar
  • Sticker Design - Ark Arjun
  • Social Media promotion - To be assigned to anyone (balu will handle).
  • T Shirt design (Limited, for Praveen & interested coordinators only) - Ark
  • Poster design (A3, to send to colleges) - Ark
  • Press Release - Hassainar Mankada
  • Banner design - Ark
  • Notice design (to distribute in public, a5 prefered) - Ark
  • Events should be photographed nicely. Coordinators is in charge.


  • Ark can seek assistance of anyone for design, or even delegate. But Ark have responsibility
  • Notice will be a cartoon, Which something so simple, that imparts the idea. Notice will be in Malayalam and Other local language version can be printed, if needed. It need to be catchy.

Logistical tasks

  • Printing of Sticker - Anish & Sugeesh
  • Printing of Banner in cloth - Anish & Sugeesh
  • Printing of Notice - Anish & Sugeesh
  • Printing of Poster - Anish & Sugeesh
  • Sorting and Sending via courier to district coordinators. - Anish & Suggesh

Thiruvananthapuram Specific


  • Technopark - DBG, confirmed (Wednesday at 5:30 PM) - Rejah
  • Zyxware - Not yet confirmed - Anish
  • CET - Not asked - Anish
  • LBS - Not asked - Anish
  • All saints college - Not asked - Anish
  • Konchiravila UPS - Backup - Anish
  • Christ Nagar School - Backup - Anish
  • Mohandas College - Backup

Accommodation and Transportation

  • Accommodation for Praveen - Anish
  • Transportation for Praveen at Day 1 - Anish
  • Trasnportation for Praveen at Day 2 - (Unplanned)

Anish Sheela Fri 23 Jan 2015 6:58PM

I have applied for leave at Wednesday and Thursday. I am not sure if the Thursday's leave would be approved.


Anish Sheela Fri 23 Jan 2015 7:23PM

@balasankarchelamat @sugeesh @praveenarimbrathod


Balasankar C Sat 24 Jan 2015 2:35PM

@anisha Please mail me the letter which is already there.

Also, @anandj has agreed to help in online promotion.


Pirate Praveen Sat 24 Jan 2015 4:05PM

@anisha fayad will be there on 29 for transportation. Riswan can help with making posters. He has also offered to help organize some events.


Pirate Praveen Sat 24 Jan 2015 4:07PM

@balasankarchelamat it is there in another thread "diaspora Yatra - outreach"


Fayad Fami Sat 24 Jan 2015 5:12PM

@praveenarimbrathod Yes, I will be available. Hoping to contribute, thanks.


ark Arjun Sat 24 Jan 2015 6:45PM

@sugeesh and Riswan can also help in design. Can any one give some sample matters ?