Fri 13 Sep 2013 4:44AM
Sponsorship possibilities

Just noting the discussion we (me, Sooraj, Hrishi and Manoj) yesterday.
We can explore the possibility of cycle manufacturers sponsoring cycles or giving money as it is going to benefit them (we are promoting cycling as well). Sooraj suggested we shouldn't take money from everyone, but it was decided not to filter anyone. This way we can say accepting money from someone is in no way endorsing all their policies and they cannot influence what we do. Hrishi said he will talk to Nishan (who gets sponsorships for cycle rallies) and update us by today evening.
Sooraj Kenoth Tue 17 Sep 2013 5:02PM
@ Anish Sheela So far nothing
Anish Sheela · Tue 17 Sep 2013 4:41PM
We don't have much time. Any talk with companies in progress?