Create a virtual host for

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 8

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Pirate Praveen Fri 13 Dec 2013 6:47AM

@nandajavarma , do you want to try this? You'll get familiar with nginx. @manukrishnantv can guide you.


Manu Krishnan T V Sat 14 Dec 2013 5:31PM

I'll be happy to help. @praveenarimbrathod Whom should we contact to get that subdomain pointed to any of the servers which we have access to?


Pirate Praveen Sat 14 Dec 2013 8:05PM

@manukrishnantv sub domain is already pointing to Create a new user and map a directory under its home for this. Saleem Ansari said he will help with setting up a wordpress instance on it.


Manu Krishnan T V Sat 14 Dec 2013 8:08PM

@praveenarimbrathod I have just completed installing mediawiki for on the same server. It won't be a hard task for me to get that done. But, if anyone else would like to give that a try, I'll be happy to help. Will wait for tomorrow and if no one is interested, I'll do it myself.


Pirate Praveen Sat 14 Dec 2013 8:41PM

@manukrishnantv we should document each of the common tasks and have at least two people who can do each of those tasks so that you won't be burdened all the time. This is also important to give confidence to new members in handling tasks by themselves.