Blog Post on FOSS United grant for 2023-24

Draft for blog post for FSCI website announcing the grant we got from FOSS United is below. It is taken from @Karthik 's writeup to which I have added some lines.
Title: Thank you FOSS United for the grant
We are pleased to announce that we got a grant from FOSS United worth ₹1 lakh rupees, which helps us to maintain the existing various services we provide which includes, but not limited to, etc. Our funds are managed by non-profit Navodaya Networks as we are not a registered organization.
We thank FOSS United and Navodaya for their support. Thanks to contributions like these, due to which we are able to run privacy respecting services for the general public. Consider donating to FSCI today to keep our services running. You can see how we spend this money at .
For two years 2023 and 2024, we targeted ₹1,50,000 as amount for crowdfunding campaign. Getting ₹1,00,000 from this grant means our target from donors is reduced to ₹50,000 for these two years.
We thank all the people who donate to us and volunteer time to run these services. Without them it would not have been possible. We are always looking for new people to volunteer and if you are interested, talk to us. Here is list of services we provide. Feel free to use them!
Help us through your donations so that community backed privacy respecting services continue running.

Pirate Praveen Wed 12 Apr 2023 11:17AM
@Ravi Dwivedi I think @Karthik had created another draft. I think we should mention Navodaya as well. May be a separate page for supporting organizations/partners to list FOSS United, Navodaya, Infomaniak, Gitlab Inc etc

Ravi Dwivedi Wed 12 Apr 2023 1:01PM
@Karthik Can you please post your draft here?

Ravi Dwivedi Sun 16 Jul 2023 8:34PM
The draft by @Karthik is here and I think it is fine for the blog post. I will copy that writeup and add it to this thread above.
Let's publish this asap.

Ravi Dwivedi Sun 16 Jul 2023 8:49PM
@Pirate Praveen @Kannan V M @Karthik and everyone else, Can you please go through the draft?
Ravi Dwivedi · Tue 11 Apr 2023 1:48PM
@Kannan V M please check if the details are accurate