What should our policy be for removing content or accounts reported as abusive or illegal?

PV Pirate Vik Public Seen by 322

Pirate Vik Tue 16 Jan 2018 9:03AM

  1. Agree what the rules of using are
  2. Make a clear filing process for complaining requiring the complainant to list why the rules have been broken
  3. Establish a process of enforcement of the rules

What does everyone else say?


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Jan 2018 9:05AM

This thread was promoted by a report on the matrix channel regarding and account the the complainant felt was inappropriately sharing images of young children.


Kannan V M Tue 16 Jan 2018 3:14PM

To promote transparancy, a list of conditions on which a post will be removed (or other actions like banning a user) should be written and published. and users must be notified when an action is taken. A policy must be made (if it doesnt already exist) I think.


Pirate Praveen Tue 16 Jan 2018 3:29PM

I agree we need set rules and processes to tackle this. We can start with a minimum set of rules and expand if needed. We can start with illegal content, abusive can be quite subjective.


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Jan 2018 3:49PM

Yes - abusive is a potential minefield. I would agree with illegal to begin with.
This throws up a further question - who would review if content breaches the law?
Let's take the current report - I have not seen it (and neither do I really want to!) but can anyone confirm if it breaks the law?


Pirate Praveen Tue 16 Jan 2018 4:19PM

If at least one person in the team confirms and no one objects, then we can consider it illegal. When there is no clarity, we could ask for legal opinion from lawyers in the community.


Kannan V M Tue 16 Jan 2018 6:39PM

keeping a set of admins might be a solution. (does diaspora has such feature?)


Kannan V M Tue 16 Jan 2018 6:41PM

in some cases decision should be made asap, also can we temporarily block a post in diaspora in case of lack of clrity scenarios?


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Jan 2018 9:00PM

Suspending an account whilst content is verified is a good option IMO.

In the case of the current post, I would propose a rule that displaying pictures of people below the age of consent and tagging them as sexy is unacceptable


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Jan 2018 9:02PM

We need to consider the balance between free speech and the rights of the children in the images who are not likely to have consented to their pictures being posted in that way.

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