Request from Pirate Parties International
There are two international events this year that are themed on the 10 years of the Pirate Movement. A birthday party in Sweden(June) and the PPI General assembly in Berlin (July). I and Magnus Andersson of PPSE would like to invite you to send a short video by one or more of you to be shown at both events and in the Pirate Times.

Pirate Praveen Fri 8 Apr 2016 9:42AM
@rajudvindane @arjun @vidyut @abhijtihb @fayadfami we should do it.
[deactivated account] Fri 8 Apr 2016 10:02AM
@praveenarimbrathod @rajudvindane yes we should! .. any ideas?

Vidyut Fri 8 Apr 2016 5:27PM
Sounds like a good opportunity, but as of this moment, I'm placed badly for time. Dad died on the 30th while we were barely getting our balance back after kid's surgery on 24th. Mom still fragile and a shitload of paperwork to be done AND kid is still in hip-to-foot plaster cast for another month at least. No way can I take on something new at this point. Will try to keep an eye on updates and contribute ideas/feedback if something useful occurs to me.
Raju Devidas · Sun 3 Apr 2016 7:56PM
@praveenarimbrathod Could we do something for this?