Thu 19 Sep 2013 4:36AM


SK Sooraj Kenoth Public Seen by 10

Please Update the site as early as possible. Someone should take the responsibility.

I have a server. So space is not at all a constrain. But I don't have the technology and enough time to learn it.


Pirate Praveen Thu 19 Sep 2013 6:16AM

@sajjadanwar can you help here? Files are at (create a gitlab account and let me know). We just need a basic site with two pages now.


Sajjad Anwar Thu 19 Sep 2013 6:38AM

Not sure how much I can help here. E_TOO_MUCH_WORK already :-|


Sajjad Anwar Thu 19 Sep 2013 7:01PM

I can try when I'm at JSFoo tomorrow. If it doesn't happen tomorrow, then we should find some free hands to get going.


Pavithran S Mon 23 Sep 2013 5:04PM

There is no logo at . Checked the directory . There is infact no logo .


Pirate Praveen Mon 23 Sep 2013 6:35PM

@pavithrans restore the index page from git, and we should test the changes before we go live.


Manu Krishnan T V Mon 23 Sep 2013 6:51PM

@praveenarimbrathod Logo is still missing. Also, what about adding links to blog as well as the map page there too?


Sooraj Kenoth Sat 28 Sep 2013 1:27PM

The SEO of our site is extremely bad. Can some do the SEO tasks?

Anivar said some changes in our diaspora page will do the job.