Tue 14 Oct 2014 10:18AM
Research in the disciplines of science, technology and medicine (STM)

CV Radhakrishnan (CVR)'s Proposal http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/STM_Lab
Sooraj Kenoth Mon 3 Nov 2014 3:09PM
I am not convinced with current proposal.

Pirate Praveen Mon 3 Nov 2014 4:12PM
@soorajkenoth you can suggest any changes you feel to the proposal.
Sooraj Kenoth Mon 3 Nov 2014 4:23PM
Let me understand the existing system first.
Pirate Praveen · Mon 3 Nov 2014 2:29PM
Me, @manojkmohan and @ranjitpanicker started discussing the initial concepts for open access journal and
Me and Manoj met CV Radhakrishnan sir to discuss this as he had proposed implementing an Open Access publishing system as a mediawiki extension (see link in the topic).
He suggested we use Open Journal System (OJS) as everything is already in place technically. They use it for the journal they run.
OJS - https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/
As I look at it, the issue is as simple as hosting infrastructure for academic publishing, similar to how we run a diaspora pod at poddery.com
Our role would be installing maintaining the service. We have to get a good VPS and install OJS. Find funds for VPS hosting. We can ask people who publish to pay, either themselves or universities. Prof Sanjay Shitole from Bomaby has offered to help with finding reviewers.
The big challenge will be talking to universities and having them accept our journal. We need to get some good papers from established scientists from different fields to publish in our journals.
So we need a team that will setup and maintain technical aspect of the journal. For publishing and reviewing aspects we already have good people.
Please reply if you want to be a part of the team. You can help in different ways like we did savepoddery.com