Willing to contest

Here we can propose those who are willing to contest, already an associate member or who are willing to join as associate members.

Pirate Praveen Wed 23 Mar 2016 8:54AM
I have asked permanent members to endorse my candidature https://codema.in/d/SBiI4G7o/proposal/kt0LX7JB so I can use Indian Pirates name and resources in my campaign.

Pirate Praveen Wed 6 Apr 2016 2:54PM
I have the endorsement and we can proceed to next steps. First we have to fix a constituency.

Pirate Praveen Wed 6 Apr 2016 2:56PM
My first choice is to contest from a place we have local support (a place to stay, a few people for the local campaign).

Pirate Praveen Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:00PM
Mannarkkad - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannarkkad comes on top. I grew up there and my parents live there. I feel there is a higher chance of influencing someone you already know. Plus I hope some of my friends might join the campaign.
[deactivated account] Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:03PM
@praveenarimbrathod okay .. youll need more people who can talk malayalam .. so its easier to explain people your ideas.
[deactivated account] Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:04PM
@praveenarimbrathod how exactly are you planning to campaign? Did you have anything in mind? .. posters , online , one 2 one with people out on the streets?

Pirate Praveen Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:07PM
We got to have online and offline campaigns. We need pamphlets that explain what our politics is. We can go house to house and campaign on streets as well.

Pirate Praveen Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:47PM
@arjun I think Trivandrum is a better option. We can stay with @vishnum . So lets move on to next questions.
[deactivated account] Wed 6 Apr 2016 3:51PM
Okay other than 10k security deposit, how much do you think we'll need? do you have an estimate?
Pirate Praveen · Mon 21 Mar 2016 3:12PM
I propose myself and likely constituencies - Mannarkkad (my home) or Kannur (@sruthi 's home). If people are willing to host a few of us, other constituencies will work too.